The above pic is of a Radio Shack "Intruder" ( previously "Hot Machine" - different tires/wheels and body/stickers).
This 6x6 is based on a "hot machine" and a "intruder" - i used one of each truck. I essentially just used some of the chassis pieces from my "rs articulation" mutant to connect another rearend to a "hotmachine/intruder". its powered by 2 Mabuchi rs360 motors - one mounted in the tranny on the middle axle, with a shaft that runs to the front axle - so the extra tranny in the rear adds a second rs360 motor - which powers only the rear wheels - both motors are wired in parallel to one stock circuit board - the transistors do get quite hot under heavy crawling/climbing, but im running 7.2v versus the 9.6v that the truck would normally get running 8aa sized nicads.
That blue piece of wire is to stop the rear axle from swinging down too far and allowing the rear and middle tires to touch - see, the rear axle "floats" - its simple and works quite well - the other 2 axles retain the stock suspension - which has a little artic - and the rear has a little just from "slop" in the holes i used to mount the tranny through - lol, i used a piece antenna from a transmitter as the shaft to hold the tranny on - that grey speck near the upper right of the tire in the pic above is ducktape that i wrapped around the ends of the antenna shaft to keep it from sliding out - more simplicity that works :-)
even with its limited artic, this truck has more than enough traction - what it lacks is power - the stock board is limiting the current flow - i would just run "hobby" gear in it, but the servo mounting is very strange - which wouldnt be a problem if the servo was "proportional" , but its not, so i cant use my "servo hack" - might add an esc and reciever just to use for controlling the throttle- and keep the stock gear just for steering - 2 controllers just to run 1 vehicle ! lol. but before i do that, i think ill pop on some bigger heatsinks and run 10 cells........hehehe:-)
on to the movies! - in mpeg format , 320x240, no sound - u know what motors and churning gears sound like ! lol:-)
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